Tuesday 26 January 2010

Bee Fruitful

This time last year, I was getting ready to go to America for a Superior Threads seminar. Around the same time I was honoured to have been asked by my friend, Angie, to be present at the birth of her child. The baby was due the third week of January and my flight wasn't until the first week of February. The timing should have been just fine. But as January drew to a close the baby still hadn't come.

Meanwhile, her big sister Theresa, who was not yet two, was learning how to count. In much the same way as all children she began well then skipped on to the end. Her version of counting went 1..2.....9 Very sweet. Anyway on the very last night before my trip, Angie went into labour. And I was able to be there. Theresa's little sister was born just after midnight and her birthday was the first of February 2009. That's right 01/02/09. Theresa had been telling us all along! BTW for you American gals - English people put the day first rather than the month when they write out the date. Does the story make more sense now?
So while I was in America I had this new baby on my mind. And when we had the chance to visit some fabric shops, I fell in love with these pre-cut moda squares by Mary Engelbreit. So I bought them and decided to use them for a baby quilt. This Recipe for Friendship collection features lots of cherries. So I added other fruity and buggy squares from my stash and decided to call it 'Bee Fruitful' I'm going to load it on the frame tomorrow so it will be finished in time for baby Anne's first birthday. I'm practicing a loopy cherry quilting pattern. I just need to decide on the thread!


  1. The fabric sounds delightful! i can't wait to see the quilting! It's such fun to make baby quilts.

  2. I love baby quilts too. I spent ages trying to come up with a clever way to assemble those squares. Then it occurred to me that a bunch of pieced squares is just what non-quilters think that a quilt SHOULD look like. I had fun with the fabrics. Now for the quilting.
