Saturday 31 July 2010

Hits the floor running

Meet Brenda from Stevenage, UK. I've made the image extra large here so you can see the kind of practice piece quilting Brenda has been doing the past few weeks. Pretty impressive! Brenda is already an accomplished machine quilter, but she wanted a quicker method that was easier on the body so she came to visit us and went home with a New English Quilter/JUKI/Nifty Grips combination. As you can see from the photo, Brenda pretty much hit the floor running!

Brenda embroidered, pieced and machine quilted this gorgeous Parasols and Pansies quilt off the frame, in memory of her mother, Lucy who loved the colours. This quilt has gained quite a following on both sides of the Atlantic. It's soon be featured in several magazines so you're bound to see it again. Brenda will be bringing it to our stand at the Festival of Quilts next month. You'll be able to meet Brenda and her gorgeous quilt if you visit on the Friday or Saturday of the show.

"It was shortly after the completion of this quilt that I announced to my husband Jim that I would never make a quilt like this again, my arms were aching from the weight of the quilting, worried that I really meant this, he went on line and found the You Tube of the New English Quilter, an answer to my prayers, it was soon after that we were on our way to Lincoln to pick up my NEQ frame. Since then I have been practising on my frame as often as I can. My next quilt will be a walk in the park, it feels so good not to have the quilt wrapped around the machine, with me in the middle struggling with aching arms, instead it sits on the frame and I can sedately quilt without all those pressures, I think what I like the most is that the feed rollers keep all layers of the quilt even and unwrinkled even the biggest quilt would not seen daunting to me now."                                               Brenda,  Stevenage, UK


  1. Oh Wow! Boy have i got some practicing to do! LOL Fantastic Brenda!

  2. What a joy to see Brenda on your page! I am acquainted with her through the Mach Prof group on Yahoo. She is such a sweet lady and does some beautiful work!

  3. I couldn't agree more, Colleen. I've only known Brenda for a couple of months yet I've learned so much from her. It is exciting to see what someone with her experience can do with a basic frame!
