Thursday 2 December 2010

Christmas Table Runner

I love snow! A couple of weeks ago, I was wishing for my life to go on hold just for a few days so I could catch up. Then it snowed. Snow days are such a gift! I'm getting to work on projects that I never would have found the time this table runner which has no wadding and is not technically a quilt. So I'll call this a free motion embroidery project. I pieced this runner a couple of years ago but never had time to machine embroider it together, until yesterday.

You may be thinking, "Why has she pinned the runner that way on the leaders?!!"
Well, I have 3 good reasons:
  1. I wanted to execute a certain line design and it was going to be easier to draw it from this direction. This is the main reason.

  2. I had my New English Quilter set up at the 6 foot size for a demonstration and a couple of workshops last week. So loading the runner this way was quicker and easier - it used less pins too!

  3. Finally, because the runner doesn't have any wadding, the roll of fabric under the arm was not going to get too big. Smaller projects always leave much more room to manoeuvre.
    In the middle section I've just outlined the poinsettia petals. Not slavishly, mind you, but quite freely. I'm pleased with how it turned out.


  1. happy SNOW DAY!! when the world comes to a skreechin halt and it just doesn't matter. Slows down life a bit.

    so what did you quilt on the solid part of the runner?? my puter wont enlarge it.

    stay warm and toasty!!

  2. How was Florida?? Are you back now?

    I'll do a post about the runner in more detail, and show you the line designs. Just finished a stripy Christmas sampler but I'm waiting for the sunlight tomorrow to take some proper photos.
