Monday 9 February 2015

Hugs and Kisses

'Hugs and Kisses' table runner on the 6 foot New English Quilter frame

 I love all things hearts! So I take a broad view of Valentine's Day and send my love to friends and family everywhere. More about that later. Meanwhile, here's a fun 'hugs and kisses' table runner that's just perfect for Valentine' Day. It's the pumpkin seed appliqué pattern pictured in the previous post. In a different colour way,  it works as X's and O's too.

The machine quilting began with simply scalloping around the appliquéd shapes. 

Scalloping is so much easier than stitch-in-the-ditch! 

Then added some echoed hearts and scallops to fill out the design.

I went for white on white to get a lacy doily look.

A fast and fun Valentine table runner made with love!
Hug & Kisses made with love from my JUKI TL98P and the 6 foot New English Quilter frame


  1. love the simple quilting patterns -- less is more -- and the center hearts are wonderful addition -- so nice and balanced and lovely!!
    you always inspire me.

  2. It's looking beautiful Martha!
