Friday 15 August 2014

What a difference a year makes!

machine quilting detail of Siobhan Toner's Ice-cream Parlour quilt

We met Shevvy at the 2013 Festival of Quilts. She'd been wanting a frame for a while but felt that she ought to put it on hold while she finished a degree course. Siobhan's part of the London Modern Quilt Guild.She loves the fresh, no fuss modern approach but she was ready to go beyond straight line quilting. We convinced her to go for the 'both and' option. So she used her new machine quilting frame to sweeten the hard work of the degree course. Sometimes a little bit of what makes your heart sing, goes a long way towards helping you do what you ought to.

Siobhan came to collect her 6 foot Art Quilter and got a free workshop

So Shevvy put a deposit on her 6 foot Art Quilter frame at the show. Then came to collect in in September and got a free workshop. We tried out some line designs on the frame, dismantled it and put it back together. We demonstrated how to lead a quilt on the frame and roll it on. We played with sewing machine tension and looked at lots and lots of quilts. We packed the frame easily in her car and Shevvy left happy, confident and ready to roll when she got back to her London flat.
Siobhan's Ice Cream Parlour on display at the 2014 Festival of Quilts
 This year at the Show this gorgeous quilt caught my eye at the London Modern Quilt Guild Exhibition. I looked more closely and it was Shevvy's!! WOW! I was so impressed!

I loved the colour wash effect with the monochromatic plain fabrics. Here's Shevvy's quilt on her 6 foot Art Quilter frame. She's just begun feathering the border.

doodling feathers on the Art Quilter frame
 But my favourite part was how Siobhan used the blocks to doodle different designs, almost like a free-motion machine quilting sampler.

Siobhan used the blocks as a machine quilting sampler
The texture is just fantastic! And I enjoyed the playful way she executed the designs. I was thrilled to see what Shevvy has accomplished in just one year! I wonder what she'll do next? Follow the link Shevvy's blog to find out about how Shevvy created this quilt.

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