Thursday 30 October 2014

Beauty in St Petersburg

The Church on the Spilt Blood, St Petersburg
Perhaps the most spectacular place we visited in St Petersburg was The Church on the Spilled Blood, the site of Alexander II's assignation in 1881. Outside, the Church is similar to St Basils Cathedral in Moscow, which Emily and I visited on our last visit to Russia. Inside the light reflecting off the 7500 square meters of mosaics make it look like a portal to heaven. Warning! This is a picture-heavy post. It's worth clicking on a photo and just viewing the larger images. 

The sheer scope and size of the Church is staggering.

And the true perspective of the images is amazing despite the height and curvature of the walls.

The Transfiguration on the Mount

detail of the door panels
Also called the Church of the Resurrection
the transfiguration detail
detail of the borders surrounding the main images

Such luminous beauty enters our soul waiting to resurface in some form of art. Emily and I are pondering ways to translate these images into textile art. Russian art in all its forms fascinates and inspires me!

Martha and Emily outside the Church on the Spilt Blood
Jesus rescues Adam and Eve

made in the style of St Basil's in Moscow
detail of the outside

Emily outside the Church on the Spilt Blood

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