Tuesday 25 November 2014

Learning Together

Tricia in Martha's studio
Tricia was expecting her great grand child and so of course she made a quilt.  When Tricia came to visit, the baby was due any minute.

Tricia quilting loop-de-loops

Since we were on a tight schedule we decided to work together.

Tricia, although an experienced stitcher and avid piecer, had never used a machine quilting frame before, so we decided to go for a simple loop-de-loop pattern.

Tricia learning to nestle one line of stitching into the previous line

The loopy pattern is perfect for a beginning machine quilter. The circles help you to move, every-which-way across your available space. 

Loops are a fun pattern and easy to create a bold and flowing line of stitching.

Tricia loves hearts but was not quite confident enough to quilt them on a gift quilt. So we decided to quilt it together. 
loops and hearts quilting detail

Tricia quilted a line of loops. then I quilted a line of loops and hearts.

Then Tricia quilted another line of loops. And so on. It was great fun learning to nestle the lines of quilting into each other.

Tricia withthe finished quilt hot off the frame
And it turned out just great! I think that the binding and the baby came at around the same time.

Here's a close up of the machine quilting. Bear in mind that this was the very first time that Tricia machine quilted on a frame.

Now notice the bold and beautiful line of loops that Tricia quilted.

It is just as flowing as the line of loops and hearts that I did. Well done Tricia!!

We used the 6 foot New English Quilter, with the Juki TL98P sewing machine and Superior Threads.

We used a silver Magnifico on Top and a silver Bottom Line underneath. The silver threads created a lovely subtle texture on this fresh modern style baby quilt.

The right tools make machine quilting fast and fun. What a fantastic little quilt! ... And look who's arrived!

Tricia's new baby great-grandson
baby Finnley
There is nothing quite so beautiful as a sleeping baby! Congratulations Tricia! And here baby Finnley is on this new quilt.

Baby Finnley on his new quilt

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