Friday 16 January 2015

Rave Review

Once the Christmas decorations came down, Kirstie had a chance to play with her new toy. You can read all about it in Kirstie's blog: Sew Kirstie But Kirstie invited me to cut and paste her comments here too. 

"I've been playing with my Christmas present! Hip, hip, hooray! The husband bought it from  MachineQuilter. It's called the New English Quilter 2 and it's fabulous!!"
Kirstie's new toy - the New English Quilter 2
"Up until now, I've just been doing test runs on old sheets and random bits of wadding, but today was the day that I was rolling out the big guns. Well, a quilt top, at any rate. Normally, I try to avoid machine quilting as it brings me out in hives. And short temper. And aching shoulders. However, I'd tried the NEQ2 at the Festival of Quilts and felt that with its help, I could possibly manage to make quilts on a more commercial basis."

"Basically, it allows you to use your domestic sewing machine as a long arm quilting machine. it even negates the need to crawl around on hands and knees for AGES basting a quilt (my least favourite part!) What's not to love??"

"There had been a very slight hiccup with the Nifty Grip Handles, but the Brilliant Martha and Wonderful Paul, who are the business end of The New Love of My Life, had it sorted in no time ... in spite of the fact that it was between Christmas and New Year, and Paul had been poorly. I cannot praise this small company enough. the craftsmanship of the actual frame is second to none, and the customer service is astoundingly good. I truly recommend that you take a closer look."

"So back to the quilt top, I was so nervous! It's one thing practising loops and swirls on a bit of old sheet... and quite another to loop and swirl on something that took time and effort to create. But I did it! Yay!"

Kirstie's NEQ2 set up in her sewing room
Thanks Kirstie for taking the time to write such a lovely review of our New English Quilter frame! We were thrilled that the right tools enabled you to turn these lovely blocks into a gorgeous quilt in just a couple of hours. Wow!

the blocks that made up Kirstie's quilt top

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