I love kids and quilts. For me, January often ushers in a time of reflection. The ancient Romans, the makers of our current calendar, named this month after Janus - a two-faced deity, who looked both forward and backward.
As I begin the new year I like to pause and and look back, I look ahead too, and hope to use the precious time wisely to hold on to what is of value and to let go of what is not.
I think that passing on what we love to who we love is one of the most important things that we can do. It's why I find teaching my kids how to piece and quilt so rewarding. I'm going to use the next few posts to talk about kids and quilts.
As I begin the new year I like to pause and and look back, I look ahead too, and hope to use the precious time wisely to hold on to what is of value and to let go of what is not.
I think that passing on what we love to who we love is one of the most important things that we can do. It's why I find teaching my kids how to piece and quilt so rewarding. I'm going to use the next few posts to talk about kids and quilts.
Passing on to our children our own loves is a gift that is rich both in the giving and recieving. A fundamental part of parenting that we hopefully don't learn too late as adults. My, how she has grown Martha :o)