Friday, 28 August 2009

Behind the Design

Simplicity. Beauty. Utility.

Simplicity is the hallmark of the New English Quilter. So is the idea that something can be useful and beautiful. These qualities stand out when we demonstrate the frame to the thousands of people visiting the Festival of Quilts. The Festival is a wonderful opportunity for people to try out all the latest gadgets - because in one place for four days, everyone and everything is there! So we encourage our potential customers to make the rounds and try out all the frames. We want our buyers to be confident that they have the right frame for them. For anyone interested in a simple useful and beautiful frame - the New English Quilter is the frame for you.


  1. They sound wonderful and I have a Juki. Are they available in the United States?

  2. We do ship to the 'States' and with the GBPound so weak against the USDollar it's a good time to make a purchase.

  3. I love mine! It does everything I as it to!
