Friday, 4 September 2009

Back to School

There are so many ways to measure time. New Year's day heralds the calendar year, my accountant is keen on the tax year but my personal year really begins in September with the school year. Perhaps it's because my husband is a teacher. Or that I used to teach. But for whatever reason, I love the last minute rush for school supplies and uniforms. Then it's off to school dressed and pressed for the first day back. Four of my five kids still at home are in the same High School this year. So yesterday was an exciting day getting everyone out the door and then hearing all the news when they got back. I love savouring the feel of the new routines and the familiarity of old rhythms as the new school year swings to life.

Red Schoolhouse Block machine quilting detail
from Little Houses in the Big Woods August 07

1 comment:

  1. There's something reassuring about the children being back at school and into the normal routine. One of those life balance checks :-)
