Here's some excerpts from an email I received from Jan. Jan bought a New English Quilter a couple of months ago. She just emailed me about her progress and with her permission I'm going to share some excerpts. It's so encouraging to see what creative people do! If you click on the photo you'll get a great view of Jan's quilting.
Hi Martha,
Thought you would be interested to see my first attempt on the NEQ. After weeks of practicing, and with other already started projects to complete, I was getting a bit frustrated. However, the imminent arrival of a dear friends first grandchild was the impetus I needed. I dithered for ages about fabric – but when I saw Michael Miller's Pink Poodles, and knew that was the fabric I wanted to use.
By this time, the baby was due! So, I chose a quick and easy pattern (Pastel Playmates by Sandy Caller - AP&Q Vol18 No8), and within 8 days had completed the quilt! And that was with a broken ankle, struggling with crutches and hopping about on one leg!!
Anyway, my experience with the NEQ was brilliant. I opted for a daisy/loop chain, which I had found to be one of the patterns that I felt comfortable with. Loading up the frame was a bit tricky on one leg, but with the help of Dave and his mother, it was soon done. I am so pleased with the result. The new baby arrived last Wednesday, and I hope to get to see her and deliver my gift this week. So, thank you Martha. You certainly gave me the confidence to just 'go for it'.
Thanks Jan for sharing. I love it when people show me their quilts. It’s hard to believe that this was your first quilt on the frame and you managed this ON crutches!! Fantastic! I can't wait to see what you get up to on two feet!
Wow, hasn't Jan done a wonderful job! AND on crutches! And I thought it was just me who was that mad! LOL