Sunday, 3 April 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Today is UK Mother's day! So Happy Mother's Day to all English 'mums'! My kids are so sweet and although they celebrate on the English day they always spell 'mom' the American way! Whenever it happens, Mother's Day is a day to be grateful for the mothers in our lives. And I am grateful for mine! My mom sent me these beautiful folksy chairs that I have such fond memories of from my grandmother's kitchen. Paul sanded and cleaned them up and now it gives me great joy to have them in my kitchen. The cobalt blue vase is also something from my nana given to me by my mom.

Part of my present was time to quilt so I was able to finish a project we started during the filming session for the new Beyond the Sea DVD trailer last week.

The stripy blue and lavender table runner was fun to quilt. The scalloped border is so whimsical. It still needs the binding but it looks pretty hanging on my Rayburn range. The kids are making dinner so I have time to blog.

Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out there! None of us would be here without you!


  1. Hope you enjoyed your day. Those chairs are beautiful, and you are right the runner looks great by the range.

  2. Emily and Ben made dinner! And Emily made a Summer fruits Pavlova like Margaret's from the retreat. Yum!Trudi and I will be thinking of you - we have another retreat this weekend. I'm really looking forward to another weekend of Margaret's cooking.
