I love how machine quilting designs morph between one person and the next. I found this fab line design from Patsy Thompson on pinterest the other day. I just had to doodle it, and when I did, the design turned out like this.
The kids decided that my version looked like
peacock feathers.
And it did! The JUKI TL98-P sewing machine needle is the perfect 'pen' to draw the feathers. The 6 foot Art Quilter frame holds the 'paper' (black fabric quilt sandwich) steady and perfectly tensioned. This leaves me free to concentrate on drawing with gorgeous variegated thread....it's so fun drawing a line that changes colour!
#836 from Superior Threads.
I'm not sure how I'm going to use this new line design. But I'm looking for the opportunity and pinterest is certainly giving me lots of inspiration.
Thanks Trudi. Emily just got back from Uni for the Easter break - she can't wait to try it too.