Thursday 19 November 2009


Here's another of Bronwyn's practice pieces. In this experiment she's used 3 layers of organza on top and one on the back with the Texture Magic sandwiched in the middle. She's stitched a variety of coin sized circular shapes. The layers on top create a depth of color. You'll see this more clearly if you click on the image for a close up view. I'm going to experiment with this technique for Valentime's Day and do hearts.
Things about Texture Magic I've learned from this project:
1.) Layers work!
2.) The larger the negative space is the more pronounced the texture. Another way of saying this is that it's the unquilted or unstitched spaces that stand out. This is such a tactile piece - everyone who's seen it just has to touch it.
3.) Funky fabrics are fun! On my own, I never would have considered organza!

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