Friday 20 November 2009

Texture Magic Teaser

Here's another of Bronwyn's Texture Magic teasers. Once more she's used a variety of fabrics, many hand dyed. Using a different colourway, Bronwyn is experimenting to see what happens when she uses different fabrics and stitches with the Texture Magic. Clicking the image will give you a good close up of the results. Texture artists would consider this a first step in the design process of a larger work. I think it's pretty neat in its own right. But it has served the purpose of generating lots of ideas for future undertakings.


  1. Martha:

    I love your blog! The Texture Magic samples that Bronwyn produced are stunning -- can't wait to try some organza.

    Enjoyed meeting you at the School of Threadology and am glad you're enjoying the Texture Magic. It is such fun.

    Cute owl projects. Owls were THE hot thing at Market in Houston this fall. I even have a new pattern for little owl softies -- made with Texture Magic-enhanced fabric. You can see them at my website:

    Best to you,


  2. Thanks Annie, I loved meeting you too!You are a brilliant teacher! It's been fun being able to pass on what I learned at the Seminar. It was such a treat for me to attend the School of Threadology and I'm delighted that despite living thousands of miles apart we can still chat in my living room.I'm looking forward to visiting your website.
