Saturday 28 August 2010

Across the Pond!

Yesterday was a red letter day for me. For the very first time, one of our New English Quilting frames has found a new home on the other side of the Atlantic. Jill first saw the New English Quilter while she was watching the La Mer DVD. After a bit of emailing back and forth, Jill placed an order. We shipped the frame on Wednesday and it landed inside Jill's front door Friday morning. That's door to door transatlantic shipping in 3 days! Amazing. The pilgrim fathers would be jealous! 

Jill has a bunch of kids and everyone is keen to have a go. She's started a blog for anyone interested in following her progress, here's the link: They will be setting up and playing around with the frame today and Jill already has some posts up. Anyone in the Ohio area who would like to see the New English Quilter in person can contact Jill through her blog or email me and I'll forward your details on to her. It makes me so happy to have our frame on both sides now!


  1. Fabulous setup!! I, too, am in Ohio so I commented on her blog hoping to hear more and, if she isn't too far from me, see it in action. :)
    Wonderful Youtube video!!
    (just West of Cleveland, OH, USA)

  2. Thanks Christina! You're in Ohio too! How cool is that!!

  3. I've been following your blog and have wished I could get one of your compact quilting frames. I already have a Juki. I live in Orlando Florida area of the US. About how much would one cost me to purchase?

  4. Hi Candace, thanks for following. The 10 foot NEQ frame is $1500 USDollars + shipping. I'm still waiting for the customs charge to come through to find out the exact shipping cost. But I'm expecting that to be close to £200 GBPounds total, door to door including everything. Lets wait and see. Meanwhile, Jill will keep us posted.You already have the JUKI so you're half way there!
