Sunday 29 August 2010

Britian's Got Talent!

This post is dedicated to Trudi and Brenda. It was a honour to spend time with them at the show last week. Being around Trudi and Brenda is inspiring. It was a treat just to watch them quilt! I've learned so much from them both and wanted to share the wealth.This first photo is a slice from one of the practice pieces that was loaded on the frame at the show. Trudi quilted a line of feathers. I've sliced this strip off so I can keep it. It inspires me to work on my own feathers! And it's also a wonderful example of what can be achieved working within the limits of a domestic sewing machine.

Trudi did these feathers with a JUKI TL98-P on the New English Quilter. This is a very basic set up, yet the quality of stitching is like the professionals! Trudi's used a thread called Seashell here, it's a trilobal polyester from the Rainbows range of Superior Threads.Click on the images for a better view of the stitching.
Notice how she has created an undulating, wave-like feather. When Trudi comes back the other way, she would nestle the next line into the spaces from the previous line, she would quilt the feathers into the valleys and over the hills of the previous line of feathers. That way, once you stand back, the quilting looks seamless. You would not be able to tell that the quilting was done in strips. I've seen several quilts where Trudi uses these feathers to create an overall pattern.They're gorgeous! You can visit Trudi's blog and see more of her quilts:  I've run out of time, so I'll post about Brenda tomorrow.

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