Monday, 4 February 2013

Heart FMQ Tutorial

Heart Muscle an every-which -way pattern

Hearts are, perhaps my favourite motif.  I use them all year but I'm always happy when February rolls around. This year we've posted a Heart themed FMQ tutorial on the Line Dancing site.

Baby Bum hearts

The heart shape is a core shape for Free-motion-quilting. We use it on it's own and in combination with other shapes.

Scalloped hearts in Bubblegum Rainbows Thread

Our tutorial shows lots of different ways to create and extend the heart shape in many directions. The Line Dancing tutorial will get you doodling and stitching in all directions. You'll see some great thread tips too. 

There are some fun ideas for Valentine projects.

heart feathers
There are down-loadable Valentine post card templates so you can cut up your practice piece to create Valentine postcards! The downloadable post card template comes free with the purchase of the Line Dancing heart tutorial.

Valentine post card

Practice stitching the heart shapes on some pretty scrap fabric. You've had fun, and learned lots of new ways to make hearts. Now you can make something pretty and useful with your practice piece.

FMQ heart practice piece, all ready to cut up
 Simply print our downloadable post card templates on card in your printer.  Then cut them out with a dull rotary cutter.Cut pieces from your heart practice piece to match the post card shape and zig-zag stitch around the outside. You can make lots for family and friends. People are so surprised that they really do go through the post!

Zig-zag stitch around the edge


  1. Help...I've tried to join the Line Dancing site on two different devices and the cells for information doesn't show any text...only my cursor moving along.

  2. Try changing the colour - sometimes it comes up as black on black and is hidden. Meanwhile, I'll forward your information to Emily and get her to reply to you. Thanks for letting us know about the problem. We'll get it sorted for you.
