Thursday, 28 February 2013

Music of the Spheres

Saturn's rings detail pieced and quilted by Emily Milne
This was a quilt that Emily did for a Festival of Quilts exhibition when she was quite young. I'm re-visiting it because of a conversation that we had with our son Ben when he came home for a visit. I love having kids! They keep you up to date on all the interesting things that are happening in the wide world and beyond.

Saturn's rings and stars an original line design by Emily Milne

Ben, who is Emily's twin brother, came home to celebrate Pete's 13th birthday a couple of weeks ago. He wanted us to hear this NASA recording of the sounds that the planets make in space. Well, we were surprised. Rosie who is taking physics in Sixth Form said that she was surprised that there could be sound in space. But Ben assured us via Nasa that there were enough particles in space to carry the sound waves and that the sounds could be heard by the human ear. Cool stuff! Here's the link for Saturn but you can hear all the planets by following the other links on the right.

Saturn - the Lord of Time
I chuckled because the ancient philosopher and mathmatician, Pythagoras had a theory about the Music of the Spheres. Many people in the Middle Ages were fond of the idea and they came up with it without all the modern technology of NASA. There is nothing new under the sun!

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