Terri Tester showing me her amazing sampler quilt |
I love it when my customers bring quilts to show me! Terri came last Thursday to collect her 8 foot frame, speed control Nifty Grip handles and the new upgraded purpose built table. Terri brought this little beauty to show me. It's a sampler quilt project that's absolutely gorgeous! And a stunning example of the modern straight line quilting that keeps popping up in my posts.
a sampler quilt by Terri Tester - detail |
I was particularly struck by the how well the colours worked in this quilt.
Terri Tester sampler - machine quilting detail |
I like how the bright red sings through the the low contrast of the greys and whites.
Terri Tester's sampler |
This quilt so demonstrates Terri's mastery of the straight line quilting technique!
I liked this modern block |
But Terri, like many of the other modern quilters that I've come across in the past weeks, is eager to move on and explore other line designs.
Terri brought another unfinished top that she'll be machine quilting on her new 8 foot New English Quilter frame. In the beginning of the year, Terri emailed me to say that this was going to be the 'year of the quilt frame'! She had gone as far as she could go with machine quilting sitting at the sewing machine and Terri was ready for a new tool that she could use to take her machine quilting to a new level. The 8 foot New English Quilter frame will give Terri the capacity to quilt far more than straight lines. I can't wait to see what Terri does next!
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