I just loved this! Never underestimate joy. "In every job that must be done there is an element of fun..." When I was a kid we called this the Mary Poppins theory. It works. Do something fun today! If this takes too long to buffer, double click inside the box and it will take you to youtube. You'll see it bigger and quicker.
This is how a sewing machine works. Wow! This moving image explains so much. It so clearly shows how the top and bobbin threads work together to make a stitch and how the wrong sort of top or bottom tension can make things go wrong. And why using the right needle and threads is so important. This image is a fantastic teaching tool for anyone working with sewing machines.
I've begun with 2 fat quarters of orange batik backed with Texture Magic and free-motion machine quilted with a free flowing loops and pumpkin design. It looks really cool. But I want to turn it into something useful. So I've put them right sides together and sewed around 3 of the sides. Then I've done that trick in the bottom corners where you line up the seams to make a triangle and stitch a line across. Like this:
Then I did the same thing to the lining fabric, making it just a little bit smaller. I've added a strip of yellow fabric at the top to make an edging.
And here's how it turned out. Click on this final image for a great view of the bag. I had to wait til morning so the natural-light photo could bring out the color and the texture.